Saturday, June 16, 2012

Take Shape For Life/Medifast Review

I will be writing a series of reviews for the Mediast meals, as well as other products not related to Mediast/Take Shape For Life, but though I should start first with a review of the Take Shape For Life/Mediast program itself before I begin writing any other review, so without further ado, here is my review for Take Shape For Life/Medifast...

If you are reading this you might be skeptic and wondering if the Take Shape For Life featuring Medifast food really works.  Before I answer that I must add that I used to be a Take Shape For LIfe coach, but not anymore (I hope to become one again in the future), so I have nothing to gain from this review at the time of writing this.  This is just my honest review of it based on my own personal experience.  I am in hopes that this review might help someone out there who might be on the fence about starting their own weight loss journey with Take Shape For Life/Medifast.

I too was skeptic at when I first heard about Medifast.  I actually told the health coach who first told me about it that her product did not work and was just ripping off people the way so many other programs out there do.  I could answer your question with words, but I think the proof is in my before and after pictures:

I started April 19, 2007 and weighed 520 pounds (I weighed 759 pounds at my highest weight).  In just over a year with Take Shape For Life and the Medifast meals I lost about 200 pounds, which brought my weight loss total to about 430 pounds.  I was told by my doctor and plastic surgeon the rest was just excess skin, which just hung from me.  I have no regrets whatsoever about deciding to do it and wished I had started sooner.

I maintained my weight loss for awhile, but then I got H Pylori, and one of the side effects of it is weight gain, so before my doctor, who ran a bunch of tests on me, could find out what was wrong with me, I gained back all the weight I had lost on Medifast and then some.

I believe in Take Shape For Life/Medifast so much that now that my H Pylori has been treated and is gone, I am back on program and you can follow my journey on my website at

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